10th February 2023 - Update from Len Q on the Gateway South Site Development.
Redditch Gateway – South Site Development.
1. Planning Application 22/03695 - deadline for objections 16 February ’23 – link is:
The application is for a number of revisions to the already full approval given for the south site development.
While I continue to hope there will be a miracle to stop the whole project, reluctantly I can find no reasons to object to the proposed revisions. I nevertheless recommend residents visit the link above and make their own decision whether of not to comment/object to Stratford Council about the application.
Proposed revisions:
a. Removal of the dark horizontal roof line colour to a more sympathetic paler colour.
b. Removal of straight bands of colours on the elevations to staggered/block cladding to more camouflage the units.
c. Repositioning of the gatehouse to unit A.
d. Revision of deck levelling.
e. Provision of canopy over HGV docking bays on the north side of unit A.
f. Provision of extra car parking in place of HGV docking bays for both units should future occupiers not require HGVs.
2. The developers will begin site clearing/preparation work in the next week or so.
Hours of work through to the completion of the development are:
Mon – Fri (07:00 to 18:00) & Sat (08:00 to 13:00). No work on Sundays & Bank Holidays.
Please let me know of any breach of these times, together with evidence if possible (eg: photo with date & time).
Len Q - 10th February 2023
13th May 2020 - Update from Len Q on the Gateway (Response to Residents concerns regarding start of work timings and noise levels.
Gateway Working Hours: Stratford Council state that part (g) of condition 18 in that Council’s outline planning permission (ref 18/03746/vary) states that demolition/groundworks/construction within the north and south parts of the development shall not take place outside the following hours:
Mon-Fri 07:00 - 18:00
Sat 08:00 - 13:00
No work on Sun and bank holidays.
These times confirmed by Bromsgrove/Redditch Councils.
I recommend that any breach should be reported immediately and simultaneously to the following planners: (Stratford) (Bromsgrove/Redditch)
Please also let me know on
Whether anything can be done to reduce the amount of bleeping, or the volume, during working hours, I will investigate but sadly, I don’t hold out much hope. There are many vehicles on site and the bleeping is from those vehicles reversing which is a safety requirement.
Len Q 13 May 2020
7th May 2020 - Update on Blacksoils Brook from Len Q
Contamination 05 May ‘20 - I spoke with the Gateway developer’s site foreman yesterday at the site entrance off Hedera Road. Couldn’t go on the site myself because of Covid 19 & danger from working vehicles.
I was told there are two streams on the north site. One, already diverted a while ago, flows into Blacksoils near to the A4023.
Blacksoils itself will be diverted shortly once the diversion route is established. It will then flow under the A4023, using existing pipe work and come out into an existing culvert by the Blue Inn.
Before my meeting yesterday, I checked the flow at that culvert. The water was clear although the bed of the Brook looked a bit sandier than I could recall.
Interesting then that at the meeting I noticed levelling was continuing with sand being used. The site foreman did not think their work was responsible.
He was not aware of sand being pushed into either of the two streams and there had been no rain recently which might have washed sand into the streams.
So while no admission of any failing by the site contractors, they are aware that their operation is being monitored.
April 2020 - Gateway Development
I have received this update from Len Q for your information :
North site:
Preparation work continues as employees can currently work within Government social distancing rules.
It is not expected that any piling work will be needed for the proposed building. This is good news as there had been fears that similar noise/vibration nuisance would be experienced as had happened when HSH Coldstore, Moons Moat Drive was erected some two years ago.
South site:
The proposed access through the Far Moor Lane hedge (near Kingham Close) into the south site is delayed for the near future while the contractors wait on Government social distancing guidelines.
My contact at the developers says he will keep me informed about revised dates.
I didn’t ask the question about the electricity & sewage provision so my guess (I stress my GUESS) is that these will also be delayed and go ahead only when the access through the hedge is made.
Highway Works on Coventry Highway:
Are also delayed waiting on Government guidelines. This includes delays to the proposed road diversions (see my previous update). The developer’s contact will tell me of new dates when known.
Gateway Update from Len Quartly:
•North site will be occupied by Amazon. Completion spring 2021. South site is still only subject to outline planning so nothing to report.
•Coventry Highway works to be completed October 2020. A traffic diversion is scheduled for the weekend 27 – 30 March for west bound vehicles. Then for east bound vehicles, a five (5) week diversion is scheduled from 27 April. They will both be for 24hrs daily.
•A two metre wide pedestrian/cycle access to the south site, through the Far Moor Lane hedgerow will be near the Kingham Close underpass. See developers plan showing it will be configured to retain as much hedgerow as possible to restrict a direct view from FML into the site and there will be supplementary planting. I will monitor.
•At same time, electricity supply and sewage connections will be through the same hedgerow breach. I will monitor these connections.
•The electricity supply, see my sketch plan, now underway from the south end of FML, will continue close to the roadway – this will leave the green area between the bund (opposite Illshaw Close) and the hedgerow clear for strategic planting of semi-mature trees subject to Council approval. This is being investigated.
•The sewage connection will be made to a near-by manhole. No pollution of the stream is expected.
•The provision of a bus stop on the Coventry Highway, see my sketch plan, has meant the destruction of some 40 mature trees opening up the view to the Highway and the north site. This view is across the bund opposite Kingham Close. The developers seem willing to provide semi mature trees as compensation, although not legally required to do so. If they do, approval of the Council is then needed to plant trees between the bund and the remaining stand of trees. This is being investigated.